P-Bandai: MG 1/100 Mobile GINN (Miguel Aiman Custom) - Release Info

P-Bandai: MG 1/100 Miguel's Mobile GINN
Release Date: April 2024 [2nd Batch Release: June 2024]
Price: 5,390 Yen

The ZGMF-1017 Aiman's GINN, commonly known as the ZGMF-1017 GINN [Aiman's Custom], is a unique variation in the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV. This mobile suit is the personal mobile suit of the ZAFT pilot and member of the Le Creuset Team, Miguel Aiman, also known as the "Magic Bullet of Dusk".

This modified ZGMF-1017 GINN, clearly displayed in Aiman's characteristic orange color scheme, demonstrates his piloting prowess.

This kit was first sold physically during the Hyper Plamo Fes 2024 event on March 22nd ~ 24th, 2024. Giving the fans an early access to this beautiful limited kit!

ZGMF-1017 Miguel's GINN

Due to production constraints, the ZGMF-515 CGUE was in short supply at the start of the First Alliance-PLANT War. As a result, ace pilots such as Aiman were assigned GINNs outfitted with high-precision components. Aiman's GINN is a prime example, reinforced by "DEFRÖCK", a volunteer group dedicated to him. With improved thrusters and sensors, it outperforms the traditional GINN by about 20%.

Miguel found himself on board the Nazca-class ship Vesalius early in C.E. 71, with the mission of determining who was behind the destruction of multiple ZAFT supply bases. Eventually, the inquiry identified Serpent Tail's commander Gai Murakumo as the offender. This revelation resulted in a fight between Miguel, flying his own modified GINN, and Gai, flying his own modified GINN. Miguel's GINN was heavily damaged in this conflict, therefore for his next mission, he had to use a normal GINN instead. Joining a ZAFT team tasked with infiltrating the impartial Orb Union outpost Heliopolis in order to take possession of Earth Alliance prototype mobile suits was part of this operation. After Miguel's death, what happened to his personalized GINN is still unknown.

Model Kit Features: Precision and Authenticity

The model kit boasts several notable features:

Exclusive Shield and Decal: Includes a newly molded shield and water slide decal, adding to its authenticity.
Shared Molds: Parts of the kit are based on the molds from the MG 1/100 Mobile GINN released in April 2021.

Recreation of Aiman's Special Mobile Suit

Characteristic Orange: The model's striking orange color is meticulously replicated.
Newly Molded Shield: The shield is detailed, even on the back side.
Versatile Backpack: Offers extensive movement with its pivoting and swinging capabilities.
M68 Pardus Missile Launcher: Mounted on each side of the legs to provide extra firepower.
Ample Ammunition: Comes with four magazines and a rack, compatible with the 76mm heavy assault machine gun.


"Our vision at GundamKitsCollection.com is to be the premier online destination for Gundam and GunPla enthusiasts worldwide. We aim to foster a vibrant, inclusive community where hobbyists of all skill levels can connect, share, and grow. By offering a platform for sharing tips, techniques, and creative builds, we strive to celebrate the artistry and innovation inherent in GunPla building. Our commitment is to provide a space that not only showcases the world’s greatest hobby but also inspires and supports the next generation of modelers in their GunPla journey."



  1. This one was a big surprise, but I want it nonetheless. The colors are great and the addition of the shield helps a lot. Gotta get my TM Revolution suits!

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