GunPla Lineup

GunPla Lineup July 2024

As we enter the second half of the year, Bandai Spirits is bringing an exciting array of new GunPla releases …

GunPla Lineup June 2024

The GunPla lineup for June 2024 may be small in quantity, but it promises an impressive selection that will t…

GunPla Lineup May 2024

The May 2024 selection may appear to be a little lean for GunPla enthusiasts, but it is filled with quality a…

GunPla Lineup April 2024

As we enter April, the excitement in the GunPla community is great, however the anticipation is greeted with…

GunPla Lineup March 2024

As we enter March 2024, the GunPla community is humming with anticipation for the latest range of Gundam mode…

GunPla Lineup February 2024

January has been jam-packed with Gundam and GunPla news, and we're excited to welcome February with anoth…

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