P-Bandai: MG 1/100 Gundam Deathscythe EW [Rousette] [REISSUE] - Release Info

P-Bandai: MG 1/100 Gundam Deathscythe EW [Rousette] [REISSUE]
Release Date: August 2024
Price: 4,950 Yen

Release Date: April 2020
Price: 4,950 Yen

The Gundam Deathscythe EW Rousette Unit is finally coming to the Master Grade series! The kit shares the same molds with Gundam Deathscythe EW regular retail model kit that was released in 2010. This kit, of course comes with its completely newly molded Glory of Losers equipment called "Rousette" which adds a backpack unit to the Deathscythe to give it more aerial mobility.

The Rousette unit can also be folded into different modes; the normal mode which is folded towards its back when not in use, and flight mode where it's wingspan is extended to the sides to give some flight ability to its main unit. The kit is completed with all the Gundam Deathscythe EW equipment plus a sheet of water slide decals for detailing.

  • Rousette unit
  • Beam Scythe
  • Buster Shield



  1. I hope Bluefin stocks this one like the last two.

  2. Hell yeah!!! Now we just need Sandrock armadillo and talgeese flugel, and maybe mercurius and vayeate would be nice as well

  3. The only that's left is the Armadillo for Sandrock. Hoping it would release this year also

    1. Wait, did the later Wing Gundam EW kits for MG have things like the extra ammunition for the Buster Rifle? Cause I remember that being a particular part of its design, at least from looking at its render in GGCR...

  4. Glad I didn't pre-order anything from pbandai this month, so my wallet is now ready for this!!

  5. Initially, I thought it was showing off the Wing's backpack like "Yes, probably uses the same connection" but this actually looks pretty cool. Might pick this up, actually.

  6. All that's left is Armadillo Sandrock I think. I thought they were going to make the angel wing Tallgeese or the blue and the red Tallgeese style Gundams. Maybe next time. Did they make new parts for the wings on Rousette backpack or is this the same from the old Wing Gundam kit? Did Bandai make a new Wing Gundam and new Wing Gundam Custom Zero yet?

    1. Those are new wings. The old EW Wing ver Ka doesn't have that kind of articulation in the wings.

    2. Bandai's priorities for 2020 are releasing the Exia (rollout colors) in RG, MG, and PG. They also plan to release the PG 00 Raiser Condenser type in early June. This is all coming from my uncle who works at Bandai and nintendo. Jet fuel can't melt dank memes. ^_^

    3. As far as I know, no. The Wing Gundam Ver. Ka/EW and Wing Zero EW have not received updated versions in Master Grade; closest you'll get is the Wing Gundam Proto-Zero from GoL.

      Also, as far as I'm aware, the Rousette Unit's wings are a different shape to both Wing TV and Wing EW.

    4. @AsulaKumite Nice try pretending to be a noob so you can hide your wishlist, Mr. Water Jutsu.

    5. @MSN-04 Sazabi maybe I've fallen for your bait but can we please not start up that annoying back and forth about wishlists again? I mean, who cares anyway? We've had a nice long break from it up til now.

    6. Yeah Sazabi leave this wishlist guy alone! Just because he spends all his money on kits he never builds and types weird comments with serial numbers doesn't give you the right to treart him like human soil!

    7. @HomelessChicken What bait? I didn't bait anything.

      I also hope there's a block option here so you have the choice to block me if you don't like my comment. Have a nice day, pal.

    8. @Suiton629 I see what you did there, buddy! :))

  7. They haven't made a new Wing and Custom yet. Who knows when that's coming. I do hope they make the Tallgeese Flugel. Quite a nice looking MS. Probably not hard to kitbash either.

    1. People have already kitbashed it, some have also gone the extra mile to try and properly make the wings like they are on Tallgeese F with the bird mark and all. Personally the reason I'd be excited to see it is to see the Heat Lance and also the head crest being changed to what I personally believe is the coolest one between all the Tallgeese variants.

  8. we will definitely see Sandrock Armadillo before the end of 2020. after that, i would say it's a tossup between Tallgeese Flugel and Wing Proto Zero.

  9. So it's Deathscythe with a customised version of the Wing Custom's wings?
    Hard PASS!
    Just like all these other modded Wing MGs like the Shenlong with a big sword and Heavyarms with some missiles and treads.
    Since they've done 3 of the 5 now; i'm curious what they'll do to the Sandrock & Wing.

    1. I'm probably taking the bait by replying, but someone clearly hasn't read up Glory of the Losers...

      Wing EW's not that much different; it just has reserve energy packs as far as I know. Sandrock EW Armadillo, on the other hand...

  10. The thing I like most about this, personally, is the white head; I never noticed until now that Deathscythe EW had a white head instead of a black one like its TV counterparts and Deathscythe Hell EW did.

    1. Yes the white head magically give it a very different vibe and I actually like it very much XD

  11. The manga version of Death Scythe Hell with the double beam scythe is the one I would like.

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