GFY GRAND FINALE: A Majestic Farewell Event for the Moving Gundam at Yokohama

The GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA (GFY), home to the awe-inspiring life-sized "moving Gundam," has announced its grand finale event, "GFY GRAND FINALE To the New Stage," which will take place on March 31st. This event is the pinnacle of GFY's extraordinary journey, celebrating the legacy of one of Japan's most recognizable cultural symbols through a series of spectacular activities.

Scheduled for March 31st, the final day's proceedings will diverge from the usual, with regular operations ceasing at 16:00 to make way for the grand finale, which begins at 19:00. The event promises an evening packed with nostalgia, excitement, and a fitting tribute to the Gundam legend. Yoshiyuki Tomino, the General Director of "Mobile Suit Gundam," will grace the occasion with a speech, followed by what is anticipated to be an emotionally charged final startup experiment, reminiscent of the narrative at GFY's inaugural event.

The original drone art show, with about 1,000 drones and a stunning fireworks display, will surely be the evening's highlight. This visual feast attempts to bid a fitting farewell to the moving Gundam, signifying its permanent impression on the hearts of fans throughout the world.

Admission to this historic event will be selected by a lottery, with ticket applications commencing at 13:00 on Tuesday, March 5th, on a unique website. Attendees will get the "1/144 RX-78F00 Gundam Grand Finale Ver." Gunpla, a gold-plated replica that serves as a physical reminder of the moving Gundam's goodbye.

From March 16th to March 31st, GFY will reproduce earlier productions, allowing fans to experience the wonder of Gundam. Additionally, the GFY Memories Photo Exhibition, which runs from March 2nd to March 31st, will provide a visual journey through the facility's history. On March 2nd, a one-of-a-kind final rock-paper-scissors competition with the "moving Gundam" will be held, with visitors encouraged to participate.

Collaborations with Yokohama DeNA BayStars and travel initiatives with Yokohama City highlight the widespread impact of GFY, further enriching the event's significance.

A Legacy Beyond Imagination

Since its launch in December 2020, GFY has captivated over 1.5 million people, making it an iconic spot for Gundam fans all around the world. The last event not only marks the end of an era, but also celebrates Gundam's ongoing legacy with performances inspired by "The Witch of Mercury," "Gundam SEED Series," and "Hathaway's Flash."

As GFY prepares to close its doors, fans are invited to behold Gundam's grandeur one final time, in a spectacle that promises to go down in pop cultural history. Don't pass up this opportunity to say goodbye to the moving Gundam, a symbol of innovation, storytelling, and imagination that has transcended decades.

"Our vision at is to be the premier online destination for Gundam and GunPla enthusiasts worldwide. We aim to foster a vibrant, inclusive community where hobbyists of all skill levels can connect, share, and grow. By offering a platform for sharing tips, techniques, and creative builds, we strive to celebrate the artistry and innovation inherent in GunPla building. Our commitment is to provide a space that not only showcases the world’s greatest hobby but also inspires and supports the next generation of modelers in their GunPla journey."

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