P-Bandai: MG 1/100 RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom] [REISSUE] - Release Info

P-Bandai: MG 1/100 RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom] [REISSUE]
Release Date: September 2024
Price: 4,950 Yen

Release Date: September 2017
Price: 4,860 Yen

Premium Bandai has announced the release of the highly anticipated Gundam TR-1 Hazel Custom in the Master Grade series!

The Gundam TR-1 Hazel Custom is a high-performance mobile suit equipped with various reinforced parts, deployed to the T3 unit. Now available in a 1/100 scale Master Grade model, it is meticulously detailed to satisfy the most discerning enthusiasts.

The Gundam TR-1 Hazel Custom makes its debut as a long-awaited Master Grade Series kit.

Detailed Reproduction

Every detail, from exterior armor to auxiliary actuator units, leg reinforcements, movable booster pods, backpack, shield boosters, beam rifle, and shield, is reproduced with precision using new moldings. The internal structure of the kit is built on the robust frame of the "MG Gundam Mk-II Ver.2.0," known for its excellent movable inner framing structure.

A newly designed water transfer decal sheet is included, featuring rabbit-themed marks and unit TR series markings.

What's new?

Body Shape
The unique shape of the Hazel Custom is faithfully recreated. This includes:
  • Exterior armor
  • Auxiliary actuator units
  • Movable booster pods
  • Backpack
  • Leg reinforcements
Armaments of Hazel Custom
The Hazel Custom comes with detailed reproductions of its iconic armaments, including:
  • Shield Booster: Equipped on the left hand or mounted on the backpack. It features built-in thrusters and propellant tanks, functioning as additional boosters during assaults. This kit includes one shield booster.
  • Beam Rifle: A next-generation beam rifle using the E (energy) pack system, designed for easy handling in close-quarters combat.
  • Shield: Standard GM-type defensive equipment provided to the Hazel Custom.

Following heavy damage sustained by Lt. Wes Murphy's Gundam TR-1 [Hazel] in combat with Zeon remnants, it was repaired and enhanced using parts from an RGM-79Q GM Quel and spare Hazel components. This upgraded version, called the "Hazel Custom," leverages combat data and developmental insights from the original Hazel, resulting in a more balanced and complete mobile suit.

Key Upgrades and Features:
  • Enhanced Integration: Improved balance and a unified external appearance due to better integration of enhancement parts with the internal structure.
  • Performance Boost: Lighter weight and increased thruster output provide about 10% greater acceleration.
  • Experimental Cockpit: Features a 360-degree panoramic monitor and linear seat system, along with an upgraded operating system.
  • Model Number Update: Changed from RX-121 to RX-121-1.
  • Shield Replacement: Uses a standard shield temporarily, as the unique shield boosters were lost in previous battles, slightly reducing mobility.
  • Armor Color: Remains mostly grey due to time constraints preventing a repaint in Titans colors.
Technical Specifications:
  • Comparable Specs: Basic specifications similar to those of the GM Quel, including generator and thruster performance.
  • Leg Sections: Equipped with thermonuclear rocket engines with an output of 17,500 kg each.
  • Backpack: Contains a movable booster pod and a thermonuclear reactor that serves as both a supplemental generator and hybrid jet/rocket engine, with outputs of 390 kW and 18,000 kg.
  • Support Actuator Units: Retained from the original Hazel, compatible with the same equipment and enhancement parts.
  • Weapon Latches: Located on the center skirt armor and above the cockpit hatch, allowing for flexible weapon options.
Mobility Forms:
  • High Mobility Form: Matches the original Hazel.
  • Assault Form: Uses the booster pod from the RMS-117 Galbaldy β High Mobility Type, two shield boosters, and the extendable shield from the Galbaldy β.
The Hazel Custom showcases significant performance improvements and advanced capabilities, making it a highly effective mobile suit in combat.



  1. Gaaaahhhhh...
    Goddamn, this makes me feel a torrent of negative emotions as a TTT fan. Really salty this is P-Bandai, if it weren't using the MK II frame it might as well have been an original kit. I'm going to do my best to get one but goddamn, this hurts.

  2. So Bandai decided to reuse the 2005 MG Gundam MK2 2.0 to make another P-Bandai? Why?? This is a 12 year old mold. Watch them add insult to injury with MG Gundam MK2 3.0. Also, I bet we're going to see P-Bandai releases for the Full Armor, High Mobility, Custom, and Hazel II versions next.

  3. I feel that P-Bandai is their way of discriminating against non-Japanese without being called racisr.

  4. Bandai y u so stupid? LET US GIVE YOU OUR MONEY

  5. would be an instant purchase for me if it wasn't p-bandai. Alas I'll be sticking with my bootleg kits cause this will shoot up in price after release just like the heavyarms custom (which i also would've bought)

  6. this would have been an instant buy for me if this had just been a standard release, Alas this will shoot up in price straight after release just like the heavyarms custom (another missed purchase from me) bandai just seems to like missed sales

  7. Come on Bandai, this is such a stupid decision. P-Bandai Hazel? Why give people even more incentives to buy the knockoff one?

  8. I hope the Advanced Hazel gets a regular release

  9. So what does P-bandai actually mean? I realize it's premium bandai, but does that mean you can only buy it at their store? Limited release?

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